The Best x Years

3 Apr

John Green once said that college won’t be “the best years of your life…unless you have a terrible, terrible life.”

So why do so many of the other adults in my life keep telling me the opposite?  When they tell me that college was the best four years of their lives, they’re just confirming to me that their adult lives have been sad and mediocre in comparison to their college years, and by telling me that I’m going to feel the same, they’re basically condemning me in their minds to decades of crappiness, reminiscing about college and waiting to die.

Okay, maybe that’s a little overdramatic.  It’s just that last week was my last week of classes, so almost all the teachers made a little speech about moving on and tips for the future and whatever.  The majority of them told us these would be the best years of our lives.  And just now, my dad was lamenting the cancellation of the ferry route that he used to take to university every day.  He had to tack on the fact that his university days were the best of his life.  I’m mainly sick of hearing it because I’m scared that it’s going to be true.  I don’t know what I want to do with my life, and I’m worried that after the structure of education completely falls away, I’ll collapse with it and become flat.

If there have to be a best x years of my life, I want x to equal the number of years I live.

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